Happy birthday to my amazing wife


Today is Anne’s birthday. All she wanted was an ipad, so I didn’t make her a new video. But this one never gets old for me. Here’s a video reminder of how lucky I am.

I’d Like You To Meet An Old Friend: Awkward High School Me

I just found an old VHS tape with some extremely awkward video of a tv show my friend Matt and I made in high school. If you have some time and want to have a good laugh at my expense, you might enjoy these.

Unfortunately, I still haven’t blossomed out of my awkward stage.  Enjoy: Continue reading

About that web series I mentioned…

File this under big things are about to happen

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m in the beginning of stages of creating a web series with a great group of people.

I struggle with finishing things sometimes, mostly because of anxiety. You may remember this chart:

I'm bad at finishing things

Well, one thing that can really reduce that anxiety for me is teaming up with people that actually get things done. I’m incredibly pumped right now to be teamed up with the guys that made this short film. I think it’s really great.

Especially the part where they finished it and put it up on the internet.

A Birthday Video for Anne

There are many reasons why being married to me is very difficult.  Probably the least of which is that I have a blog and take advantage of that to poke fun at my lovely and amazing wife, Anne.  As my reader base has grown from zero to slightly more than zero, I’ve come to realize that some people may only know the Anne presented on this blog – That is, the sour milk swilling butt of all my jokes.

While it’s true that Anne is the source of a lot of entertainment in my life (which I do exploit in my constant attempts to become internet famous), all of the jokes and digs come from a place of love.  I always hope that the takeaway from my relentless and hilarious jabs at Anne is that I think she’s the greatest person in the entire world.

So as Anne celebrates her birthday this week, I decided to honor her in the only way I know how:  By making a poorly sketched web video wishing her a happy birthday and explaining once and for all how great she is.

It may be the best thing I’ve ever done, so I hope you enjoy it and make Anne a viral sensation on her birthday (which is actually the 25th, but I can’t wait until then).  That would really buy me a lot of credibility the next time I call her out for drinking a chunky glass of milk.

Happy birthday Anne!